Monday, 9 June 2014

X-Men Days Of Future Past

After 2 weeks of the release of X-Men Day Of The Future Past ( DOFP )
I finally managed to watch it yay!
The kind of satisfaction that others wont know!! XDXD
Seriously I am so into genes mutation
I love all those mutants from X-Men because of their special power
( I wish I were one of them >< )
My favourite mutants are Mystique ( Raven Darkholme ) and Professor X ( Charles Xavier )

Mystique which is played by Jennifer Lawrence!!!
She can turn into anyone she wishes and it is so cool ><

Charles Xavier a.k.a Professor X
He could read human's mind and no one can ever escape from his mind reading power.

Erik Magnus Lensherr a.k.a Magneto
He is able to control all the metals surroundings. ( Magnetism manipulation )

X-Men DOFP is all about going back to the past to change the history.
There was one bitchy guy,namely Bolivar Trask who created Sentinels ( robots to kill mutants ).Trask experimented on mutants for their DNA to create these Sentinels whose sole purpose is to track and kill mutants. Among those he experimented on and killed were Azazel, Angel, Emma Frost, Banshee, and Riptide, although Mystique was able to save Havok, Toad, and Ink from this fate. Mystique sought revenge on Trask for killing her comrades. However, this would lead to an apocalyptic future; When Mystique shoots Trask in the head, this triggers the awakening of the sentinels, because of Trask being killed by a mutant and because of Mystique being experimented on for her DNA to complete the sentinels. The sentinels would then bring about an apocalyptic future. For this reason Wolverine was sent back in time to prevent Trask's death.

These are some favourite mutants of mine I would like to introduce!
Emma Frost a.k.a The White Queen has the ability of telepathy. She can control minds and alter memories. When she turns into diamond form, she has an amazingly high level of physical strength and almost-limitless stamina.

Bobby Drake a.k.a Iceman. I like his power which is known as cryokineses. He possesses this kind of ability to generate ice and snow from his body as well as manipulate it. He used this ability to freeze various things. One word ----- WOW! XD
Ororo Munroe a.k.a Storm is a powerful mutant who has the power of atmokinesis. She is able to control the weather and all of its forms with ease. She can easily control meteorological tempests, such as lightning, thunderstorms, hurricanes, blizzards, tornadoes and even mist. With the power of wind, Storm is even able to fly by making the wind lift her up in the air.
Peter Maximoff a.k.a Quicksilver. He has a super speed. I remember there was a scene that he stopped all the bullets shot by the cops when he was trying to save Magneto from the prison below the Pentagon. There was also another scene where he placed his extremely high speed and frequency hands on the glass which trapped Magneto. As a result of resonance, all the glass broke into pieces and Magneto finally escaped!
Logan a.k.a The Wolverine. His signature power is of course his claws. The other ability that amazed me is his regenerative healing factors in his body. He can completely heal a various wounds within seconds and slow down his aging process. He was the one sent back to the past due to his semi-immortality and only him had the physical strength to do so.

The mutants above are my favourite ones and there are a lot more which are awesome as well! Most of them died terribly in the future because Sentinels could adapt to all their powers and killed them in the end. In the past where the Wolverine was sent back to, Magneto wanted to control everything by trying to kill the humans including president Nixon but fortunately Mystique appeared to stop this murder.

After saving the president from being killed by Magneto, Mystique tried to kill Trask, but Charles Xavier convinced her not to, in order to prevent the bad future. In the end, Mystique which is a mutant saved the president, therefore the sentinel program was shut down, and Trask was later arrested for selling military secrets. Finally the history were successfully changed and the horrifying future is no longer existed.

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