Trying hard to turn away my head and close my ears
But there is no way I could turn away my eyes
Trying hard not to care about it
But it is sooooo irresistable
Trying hard to escape
But it is still futile
Trying hard to convince myself
But it does not help
Trying hard to stop the crying
But it is flowing out endlessly
Trying hard to believe
But again and again hurting myself
Trying hard to distract myself from you
But my attention on you is gaining by days
Trying hard to empty my mind
But your face keep appearing
Trying hard to get your attention
But I am always transparent
Trying hard to fulfill your requirements
But it is difficult to accomplish
Trying hard to cure diseases
But the fees are usually exorbitant
Trying hard to get rid of hunger
But end up starving eventually
Trying hard to get a peaceful sleep
But insomnia is attacking every night
Trying hard to search for happiness
But life is always full of depression and anxiety
Trying hard to forget everything
But it is definitely impossible
There are endless of difficulties in lives
Life is getting harder and harder for people nowadays
Demands and wanting are increasing
And the world is getting more difficult to fulfill all our needs
Wondering how are the people surviving in future??